Finding and networking with a mentor can support you throughout your education at with VOV. You can communicate with someone in your field and develop a strong connection for ideas and guidance for your future. Mentors help make your transition between VOV and your future career.
Informational Interviewing
One highly effective way of both gathering information about a career you are interested in, and learning more about possible job opportunities is to talk with individuals currently working in the field you are interested in. Whether you are exploring options and want to learn more information about a field you are considering, or if you have decided on a field or occupation and you are looking for tips on job searching–an informational interview is a fantastic resource.
VOV unite
Career Development has created a networking group in LinkedIn called VOV unite. This group provides students with guidance from staff, alumni, and professionals on topics such as job searching, career advice and professional networking. If you are a VOV member, search for VOV unite and join the discussion!
Professional Associations
Professional associations are excellent sources for mentoring and networking. Research associations in your area of interest and purchase a membership. Discounts are often available for student memberships. Check out Weddles and the Center for Association Leadership for listings of professional organizations.