What to Expect in an Online Tutoring Session
- Please request an online tutoring session at least 48 hours in advance of your requested appointment date and time.
- Sessions typically last 50 minutes (sample session). Tutors often have other appointments scheduled right after an online appointment, so they cannot give you additional time unless you request it in advance. When you make an appointment, ask for a 90-minute session if you think you will need extra time. If you have never done online tutoring before, we recommend that you request a 90-minute session.
- Our tutors are not technology specialists; they are writing tutors. Please be patient with them if there is a problem with the technology. They will do their best to address the problem as efficiently as possible.
- You will need to have a google account in order to participate in online tutoring via google hangouts. If you do not want to create a google account, you may request a session via Blackboard.
Online tutoring tutorial for writers via Google Hangouts- coming soon
Sample video of online session through Google Hangouts – coming soon